Indoor Air Contamination 101

Indoor Air Contamination 101

What you Need to Know about Indoor Air Contaminants There was a time when we thought that outdoor air pollution was best avoided by staying indoors. While that may be true in certain parts of the world at different times, the majority of pollution we’re exposed to can be found right in our homes. What exactly are these pollutants and...
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5 Signs You Need to Replace Your AC

When it comes to replacing your home’s cooling equipment, you have two options: wait until it dies or take action before. Your best option is to replace your air conditioner before it fails. So how do you know when it is time for an AC replacement? Here are some guidelines. Your comfort level is decreasing If, despite proper maintenance, your...
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Ways Your HVAC System Can Keep the Flu Away

As if winter itself wasn’t miserable enough, it’s also cold and flu season. You can reduce your chances of getting sick through frequent hand washing, proper diet, exercise and lots of rest. Controlling your indoor environment with a reliable HVAC system also plays an important role in reducing your chances of falling ill this flu season. Here are some ways...
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6 Summer Home Features That Cut Energy Use

  The move toward passive heating and cooling is growing. It saves money and reduces greenhouse gases. Here are some ways to cut down on heat gains and losses from your home in summer conditions. Insulation Insulation slows down heat flow. In winter this means less heat escapes and in summer, it keeps your air conditioner from working overtime. In...
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Cut Your Cooling Costs with These Six Money-Saving Tips

The summer’s heat and humidity have arrived and with them comes the need to cool your home around the clock. This constant cooling of your home will undoubtedly cause an increase in your monthly utility bills. Cooling your home really is not optional when the temperatures start hitting the 90’s, but you do have some methods you can use to...
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Take a Deep Breath and Follow These Tips for Better Indoor Air Quality

The indoor air quality in your home has a major effect on the health of your family. Indoor air pollutants that come from sources that distribute debris, particles or gases into your home are one of the main causes of poor indoor air quality. Additionally, insufficient or inadequate ventilation can also increase the levels of pollutants in your home.  A buildup of...
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Some of the Most Expensive Mistakes You Can Make as a Homeowner

Being a homeowner comes with a lot of responsibilities and tough choices. Unfortunately, some of the decisions you may be making in your home can actually be costing you quite a bit of money. No worries, we are here to help you identify some of the most expensive mistakes made by homeowners and how to correct them.  The Most Expensive...
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Take Care of Your Home and Family by Taking Care of Your Furnace Filter

You probably do not give your furnace filter much thought but it plays an important role in keeping your family healthy and your HVAC system running efficiently. What makes your furnace filter so important? Take a deep breath. How is the air quality in your home? The condition of your furnace filter helps improve you and your family’s quality of living. What...
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